Roller Poll: Shave before or after the shower?

by Farrell on March 8, 2012

Evan and I have been having this debate for years:  Shave before or after the shower?

I’m a huge proponent of shaving beforehand, and here’s why: I don’t want to shower, and then have my face covered in shaving cream and then have to rinse it off and then still find shaving cream on my ear or on my neck. It’s almost like a second shower for my face.  No thanks. It’s much easier to shave, hop in the shower and then let nature take its course cleaning off my face. Boom done.

However, Evan swears up and down that by showering first, it opens up the pores, creating the optimal shaving experience.

I tried his way one time and it was miserable. I had shaving cream all over the place, the sink was a mess, not to mention I couldn’t even see the mirror because it was all fogged up from the shower. Ridiculous.

So now we’ll let the ‘Nation have the final say.  Shave before the shower or after the shower? Obviously this poll is for the dudes only, because we know the ladies do the shaving in the shower. And no dudes, shaving in the shower isn’t an option. That’s just weird.

PS  Speaking of shaving, has everyone seen this Dollar Shave Club commercial by now?  Not only hilarious, but I’m legit signing up for it! Brilliant!

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