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Rookskee vs. Rookskee

March 24, 2010

Hollywood couldn’t come up with a better script than this. It’s Week 7 and these two are literally neck and neck, or .05 points as the case may be, coming down the stretch as they battle it out for Rookskee of the Year honors. I haven’t seen a ROY race this close since Larry Johnson [...]

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That's How I Roll!

March 24, 2010

Well would you look at that!  I’m pretty sure Becca wins the award for “best in your face skeeball propaganda” of Skeeson IV so far.  Don’t get me wrong, there are some other candidates as well:  Skee FF’s came out of the gate strong with their homemade unis before the skeeson even started, then there [...]

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Charleston Skeeson II comin' at ya!

March 21, 2010

It’s been over two months since Super Saturday of Skeeson I in Charleston.   As the days and weeks since then passed by, the emails and phone calls began trickling into Skee Nation Headquarters. “When is Skeeson II?”  “When do I get a chance to redeem myself?”  “How can I sign up for Skeeson II?” They [...]

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Dave & Buster's commercial — Find Your Hundo

March 11, 2010

Received a link to this video with a note that said “Saw this dude on the new Dave and Busters commercial nail the Hundo like Skee Generation X.” I don’t know if that means the way the ball went into the hundo hole, or the way the guy celebrated like a tool afterwards, or if [...]

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Balls Deep!

March 7, 2010

Fast Forward to the 50 second mark for a brief skeeball appearance.  No hundos? Not even a 50 hole? Hmmmm. Great cameo by Scottie Pippen though. PS This song just made its way onto my iPod. Thanks to Mr. X for the tip.  He asked that I not reveal his name as he didn’t want [...]

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The Final Four!

February 19, 2010

Heading into tomorrow’s Skeeson XI Championship, we’ll break down the Final Four teams. #1 Clint Skeestwood:  Sean “The Mad Potter” Potter, Tom “The Toolman” Taylor, and Brian “The Candyman” Fudge This team was formed with only one goal in mind:  To win the Champions Chalice.  Candyman already has a Chalice to his name back from [...]

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Welcome to WB's World — Week 3

February 10, 2010

[Editor's note:  We'll be tracking WonderBoy's prediction stats throughout the skeeson to see if he can actually beat Vegas.  After Week 2, WB is 3-5 with his picks.] My Fellow Raleigh Rollers – I’m baaaaaaack!  I got some interesting feedback/comments last week about WonderBoy’s World so some of the following is notched up a bit.  I [...]

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February 10, 2010

“We’re now the Skee FF’s, Brian.  Skeevage couldn’t win but Skee FF’s will.” — Ashley (Skee FF’s), 1/3/10 Well I’ll be damned.  Damned Damned Damned.  I watched the the ladies of “Skeevage” struggle week in and week out of Skeeson III.  They had a blast, but they couldn’t find their 40 and couldn’t get a [...]

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