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Rowdy Roddy Goes Off!

July 12, 2010

Don’t look now but Touch Me Where I Skee just struck fear into the hearts of some of the Top teams heading into the playoffs! Rowdy Roddy, Ashley, and Matt played the late match in Week 8 and absolutely tore up the lanes, rolling a skeeson-high 1069!  Rowdy rolled a 503…..yup, a 503 — pretty [...]

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1141. Excuse me?!?!? (Raleigh Skeeball Rolling Times)

September 16, 2009

40 oz to Skeedom rolled another amazing match last week.  Yawn.  Someone wake me up when they roll to their potential and break 1100. What?!?!?  They broke 1100, and they did it without WonderBoy???  Okay, you’ve got my attention now.  Holy skeeballs! That’s correct, you’re not seeing things up on that magazine cover there.  Wes [...]

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Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Skee? (Charlotte Skeeson X)

August 4, 2009

SpongeBob Skeepants started off like any other rookie team.  Mid-700 rolls in Week 1 and 2.  But something came over them in Week 3.  Maybe it was the fact that we were running a few minutes behind on their lane which gave them extra time to envision their 40s.  Or perhaps it was the old [...]

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Makers Marksman still #1! (Charlotte Skeeball League Skeeson X)

July 20, 2009

No need to check your vison…those numbers are correct.  Brandon “The Makers Marksman” Harris continued his domination as the #1 Skeeballer in America by breaking two more records and leading his team to first place after Week 1. I know there are some traditionalists out there, so I’ll let you know that without the money [...]

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