Posts tagged as:

Skeeson XII

Skeeball Countdown Bloopers

September 21, 2010

Here is the blooper reel from last skeeson’s “Skeeball Countdown with H-Town”.  New episodes for this skeeson will be coming out starting next week! PS No joke, H-Town has dropped like a solid 20-30 lbs and looks cut.  Some people didn’t even notice him when they saw him last week. I wonder what kind of [...]

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The High Rollers Report — Skeeson XII

July 16, 2010

[Editor's note:  Each skeeson I choose a skeelebrity to write The High Rollers Report and this skeeson is no exception. I grant the person complete anonymity so he/she can write whatever they want without worrying about having to look people in the eye later.  This go round the author decided to bring in two ESPN [...]

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The Final Four!

July 15, 2010

And so it comes down to this.  The Final Four teams will battle it out on Saturday for the right to stand atop the lanes with their Champions Chalices and own the title of Skeeson XII Champions! Who wants it the most?  B Harris and his band of bourbon-imbibing bros?  Tom Taylor and his talented [...]

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Skeeball Countdown — Playoffs

July 13, 2010

[Ed's note:  Above you'll find part 1 of the Skeeball Countdown -- covers a lot of the Week 8 recap and an interview with Koko.  In part 2 (below) they do their playoff predictions, with some shots on the line.  According to my count, H-Town is going to be down quite a few shots and [...]

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Tuesday Playoffs — Tonight!

July 13, 2010

Tuesday Playoff Predictions 6:30 – #5 Nightmare on Elm Skeet vs. #12 M Skee Hammers This match depends on which Nightmare on Elm Skeet shows up.  Average to average, Nightmare should stomp M Skee Hammers. BUT, Nightmare has had three matches with scores well below their average (728, 731, 761)….and if Hammers match or beat [...]

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Rowdy Roddy Goes Off!

July 12, 2010

Don’t look now but Touch Me Where I Skee just struck fear into the hearts of some of the Top teams heading into the playoffs! Rowdy Roddy, Ashley, and Matt played the late match in Week 8 and absolutely tore up the lanes, rolling a skeeson-high 1069!  Rowdy rolled a 503…..yup, a 503 — pretty [...]

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Charlotte Skeeson XII Brackets!

July 6, 2010
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The Gloves Are Off!

June 29, 2010

It’s the final week of regular skeeson play, which means that after this week some teams will be gearing up for the playoffs while other teams are heading on their summer vacation a little early (but not before Super Saturday on July 17th!) Trifer and M Skee Hammers are two such teams — one will [...]

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