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K Skee Masterpiece

K Skee Masterpiece Skeeson X Champions! (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

October 21, 2009

Well I’ll be damned.  With their third roller (Mikey Waytena) out of town for Super Saturday, Brandon and Steve-O had to scramble to find a third to fill in, while abiding by the sub rules for the summer skeeson.  After several phone calls and emails, things weren’t looking good for K Skee Masterpiece.  And then [...]

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Crazy Week 6 at Blonde Lounge! (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

September 1, 2009

Week 6 was a little nutty at Blonde Lounge, but these three stories were the highlight of the night:
1) Skeeblime wins in Overtime — Skeeblime took on Skee’s Company and after all 540 balls had been rolled, the scores were tied.  Overtime rules dictate that one player from each squad roll one game.  Pistol Petot [...]

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And Then There Were Two…(Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

August 11, 2009

He mastered the 40 skeesons ago.  He has the Hundo down to a science.  And now he’s proven that the 50 is also his b*tch.
Brandon “The Makers Marksman” Harris became only the second roller ever to roll a Knockout (aka Full 50) this past Wednesday and joined his skeemate Mike Waytena in the very elite [...]

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Skeefer Madness smokes the #1 team! (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

August 11, 2009

This is why I love the summer skeeson.  Random teams and Money Balls level the hell outta the playing field.
Tom Taylor has been on a mission for a Championship since Skeeson II, and every skeeson he runs into the same problem:  The Makers Marksman.  Big Mike has never once won a match against Brandon.  They [...]

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Is Steve-O the Next Big Thing? (Charlotte Skeeball League Skeeson X)

July 28, 2009

If I got this question once over the past two weeks, I got it a hundred times:  “Where’d this Steve guy come from?”
Some folks thought he was a new rookie who was really good.  Other folks thought maybe he moved to town from another skee city.   Au contraire mis amigos (see what i did there? [...]

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Makers Marksman still #1! (Charlotte Skeeball League Skeeson X)

July 20, 2009

No need to check your vison…those numbers are correct.  Brandon “The Makers Marksman” Harris continued his domination as the #1 Skeeballer in America by breaking two more records and leading his team to first place after Week 1.
I know there are some traditionalists out there, so I’ll let you know that without the money ball [...]

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