Posts tagged as:

Rowdy Roddy

Habitat Mud Volleyball Tourney – June 5th!

March 30, 2011

This will be the 5th year Habitat for Humanity (Charlotte) has run this event — and it’s getting bigger and bigger each year.  I would guess they’re going to surpass the 1000+ player mark this year. Sooooo, why is this posted on SkeeNation?  Because we’re sponsoring a team this year!  The team already has 3 [...]

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Kleinhart going on the attack!

March 23, 2011

Rodric “Rowdy Roddy” Lenhart was tired of the individual accolades – the MVSkees, the High Roller Championships, the Hundo awards – he just wanted one thing:  The Champions Chalice.  So he decided to pull together a bit of an all-star squad by hand selecting and recruiting Josh “The Head Hunter” Klein and Amethyst “AK-40″ Klein [...]

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Skeeson XIV getting ready to kick off — sign up now!

February 1, 2011

Well well well, what do we have here?  Ah yes, it’s Rowdy Roddy once again dominating the skeeball lanes.  But this time he took a rookie with him to the promised land….and not once, but twice!  Roddy and rookie Polly were paired up for the free skee tourney last week and the vengeful vet taught [...]

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Rowdy Roddy reppin' a SkeeNation hat at the race!

October 24, 2010
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Holy High Scores in Week 3!

October 20, 2010

What in the hell was going on last week?  People were going frickin’ nuts on the lanes! I got a bgillion texts and phone calls on both nights. Wednesday about Rowdy Roddy and WHTFSU (1282 – unreal!) and on Thursday about Pistol Petot and the Skeeholics (1012) and Alyssa/Big Ben and Down with O.Skee.Skee (1055). [...]

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It's a Mad Mad World with a Rowdy Rowdy Rivalry!

October 6, 2010

Last skeeson’s MVSkee race came down to the final week between these two, with Roddy pulling it out by a hair (ummmmm maybe that was a bad example since both of these fools are baldish….). And they’ve picked up this skeeson right where they left off.  Potter rocking the 40s/50s for a 385 and Roddy [...]

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Rowdy Roddy Goes Off!

July 12, 2010

Don’t look now but Touch Me Where I Skee just struck fear into the hearts of some of the Top teams heading into the playoffs! Rowdy Roddy, Ashley, and Matt played the late match in Week 8 and absolutely tore up the lanes, rolling a skeeson-high 1069!  Rowdy rolled a 503…..yup, a 503 — pretty [...]

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