Posts tagged as:

Skeeson XIV

Mac and Skeeze: Cinderella Story of the Skeeson!

April 15, 2011

Dear Cinderella, you are now known as “The Chick with the Glass Slipper” because Mac and Skeeze not only stole your name but stole it and rocked the sh*t out of it last night! The last team to make it into the playoffs, #12 Mac and Skeeze,  legit knocked off two top dogs and are [...]

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Skeeson XIV High Rollers Report!

April 15, 2011

[Ed's note:  If you don't know by now....each skeeson I choose a skeelebrity to write their "picks" about the High Rollers Tourney.  They get to do it anonymously so he/she can say whatever he/she would like to about whomever.  If they make fun of you it means they like you. Take it with a grain [...]

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A Household Divided!

April 13, 2011

For the past three skeesons, these two little lovebirds have been rolling literally neck and neck every week.  One week Jason would roll a little better, then Sara, then Jason…..back and forth and back and forth.  And it always came down to the last week as to who would finish higher. Don’t believe me?  Check [...]

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Charlotte Brackets Released!

April 13, 2011


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April 7, 2011

  I’ll start by saying that I love the girls of Trifer — awesome chicks.  But there’s like 8 of them. No joke.  So I have no clue which three were actually playing but  apparently they pulled off one hell of an exciting overtime victory on Thursday night as my phone blew up with late [...]

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Oreo Cookskees – Rock solid or ready to crumble?

March 30, 2011

True story:  Whenever I eat Oreo Cookies, I’ll take one cookie and hold it in a glass of milk.  And it’s a crazy game to play because if you hold it in there for too short of a period of time, the cookie doesn’t absorb enough milk and is still hard and crunchy.  If you [...]

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Sons of Anarskee – Time to ride off into the sunset?

March 30, 2011

I can’t be the only one that’s shocked that Sons of Anarskee are in 5th place after Week 6, right?  I mean look at their lineup….you’ve got Brandon “The Makers Marksman” Harris who is arguably the best roller to ever play the game.  And then you’ve got Kevin ” The Gambler” Ambler who has been [...]

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WESTward Bound!

March 23, 2011

Well, sh*t.  Starting this Friday morning, I’m going to be a lost man.  For almost a year now, Johnny V and West have been my compass, my rock, and my shelter during the proverbial storms.  We’ve had countless late nights, road trips, and other unmentionable adventures.  And now, one half of that compass/rock is setting [...]

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