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Skeeson X !!!!! (Charlotte Skeeball League)

July 1, 2009

C’mon out TONIGHT for your first roll at the new venue, $2 Bud and Bud Light, $3 Stella and LongHammer IPA, and $1 off food for every skeeballer!
Also, make sure you register tonight!  3 folks will be drawn out of the registered names to get free skee all skeeson long!
See everyone tonight!  7pm!  Let’s paint [...]

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I finally built a skeeball sand sculpture!

June 26, 2009

So I’ve been doing this skeeball thing for over three years now. When I first started I would spend hours scouring the web for anything skeeball related. During my research, I came across two photos that haunted me for two very different reasons:
Picture 1:

I couldn’t find a larger version of this, but it [...]

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