Posts tagged as:


Skee Golf target practice

October 29, 2009

First we had Skee-Putt, and then Skee-Bean, and then this drinking Skee-Ballish game, and now there’s this:

I’m not really sure I’m feeling this.  Couldn’t you buy a bounce-house for the same amount? Probably.  Or an actual skeeball machine.   I guess if you’re into golf this is a good idea.  But what’s up with the little [...]

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Skeeball Drinking Game….??

August 10, 2009

First I introduced you to Skee-Putt, then there was Skee-Bean, and now….

This thing is available for $19.99 here. Don’t ask me how it works because I have no clue.  They’ve titled it “sling shot drinking game”, most likely for fear of Skee-Ball coming after them for infringement.  The description on the website reads as follows:
Bring [...]

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Cornhole + Skeeball = Skee-Bean?

July 13, 2009

Ever wanted to practice your skeeball skills while enjoying the warm weather outside? Well now you can…kinda.
This little bean bag toss into a ring thing is called “Skee-Bean” and can be found here for purchase.
I do have some issues with this thing though:

There aren’t any hundo holes.  Why not build this as close to the [...]

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