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Rollin’ Tipskee

El Duke leads Rollin' Tipskee to the Skeeson V Chalice!

August 18, 2010

Yo!  Farrell is on vacation for the next two weeks (which I don’t understand becuase isn’t his whole job a vacation?) so he tapped me to update the site occassionally.  I’m going to be putting up some stuff from Raleigh’s Super Saturday as well as some stuff he gave me for the other cities too. [...]

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Rollin' right along….

July 28, 2010

Sure, the boys of Rollin’ Tipskee sit a solid 300 points above the rest of the league, but that’s all for nought come playoff time.  The key to a solid team during the draft is that your B player turns into an A roller during the skeeson, and your C roller can roll 300 if [...]

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Scooter: High Roller in Disguise!

June 16, 2010

Did Scott “Scooter” Hotop hit the lanes during the off-skeeson or did Scott “Scooter” Hotop hit the lanes during the off-skeeson?  WOW. The kid finished up Skeeson IV as the #20 seed in the HRT.  Now don’t get me wrong, that’s cute and all, but who could have possibly seen this coming this skeeson?  It’s [...]

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Up The Middle!

June 9, 2010

Uh and Oh.  El Duke is obviously on a mission.  What that mission is I couldn’t tell you.  But I do know that after he broke all of Brandon’s individual and team records while going for hundos, he told me his next goal was to own every single SkeeNation record possible.  I laughed and said [...]

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